James Bond #5 (2019) - REVIEW

By Jarred A. Luján — If you’ve been following along with the site’s reviews for Dynamite’s James Bond series, you probably know by now that I love this series. I wrote a Get Hype for the site when it was announced that Danny Lore and Vita Ayala were teaming up to co-write the series, as well as several reviews for several issues so far. The series has been a lot of fun so far, and it’s one of my favorite things on my pull.

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Quarter Killer from ComiXology - REVIEW

By Zack Quaintance — Quarter Killer is now my third experience with a book from ComiXology Originals, the content publishing arm of the industry’s dominant digital comics platform. I’ve enjoyed both of the other series from the imprint quite a bit — those being The Black Ghost and Afterlift — and as a result, I came into this one with relatively high expectations. Those expectations, friends, were not just met — they were wildly exceeded.

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REVIEW: Nebula #1 dishes out headbutts and ethical tech philosophy

By Zack Quaintance — There is a question at the center of Nebula #1 and it is this — just because one can invent a certain technology, does that mean they should? This, of course, is a timely question, as the impact of big tech on the world and country is a continued source of consternation in society. We are as a civilization emerging from an age where we invented fast and often, and now because of the results of those inventions, we’re having to grapple with whether advances (especially in social media and data collection) were good ideas in the first place.

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REVIEW: James Bond #2 continues to deliver on this series’ promise

By Jarred A. Luján — James Bond #2 is out this Wednesday, and in case you don’t follow my every move on the internet, I actually wrote a GET HYPED article about this exact book back in August. It was easily one of my most anticipated series for 2020, and now I get to review it! The universe is a rewarding place...sometimes.

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