James Bond #5 (2019) - REVIEW

By Jarred A. Luján — If you’ve been following along with the site’s reviews for Dynamite’s James Bond series, you probably know by now that I love this series. I wrote a Get Hype for the site when it was announced that Danny Lore and Vita Ayala were teaming up to co-write the series, as well as several reviews for several issues so far. The series has been a lot of fun so far, and it’s one of my favorite things on my pull.

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Quarter Killer from ComiXology - REVIEW

By Zack Quaintance — Quarter Killer is now my third experience with a book from ComiXology Originals, the content publishing arm of the industry’s dominant digital comics platform. I’ve enjoyed both of the other series from the imprint quite a bit — those being The Black Ghost and Afterlift — and as a result, I came into this one with relatively high expectations. Those expectations, friends, were not just met — they were wildly exceeded.

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REVIEW: James Bond #2 continues to deliver on this series’ promise

By Jarred A. Luján — James Bond #2 is out this Wednesday, and in case you don’t follow my every move on the internet, I actually wrote a GET HYPED article about this exact book back in August. It was easily one of my most anticipated series for 2020, and now I get to review it! The universe is a rewarding place...sometimes.

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