Top Comics to Buy for March 11, 2020: Dollhouse Family #5, Decorum #1, and more

By Zack Quaintance — Once again here we are on the cusp of my favorite sort of week — the one where quality reigns over quantity, just a bit. Indeed, this week sees the continuation of most of my favorite superhero titles right now — Immortal Hulk, Superman, and X-Men, to be specific — while at the same time delivering some chilling and smart horror — Dollhouse Family — and the start of a new indie high-concept sci-fi book — Decorum. Basically, it’s a good week to read a handful of comics.

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Top Comics to Buy for February 19, 2020: The Low Low Woods #3, Archie #711, Daredevil #18, and more!

By Zack Quaintance — Forgive me if I’m a bit hazy this morning (because I’m sure you can tell), but I was up late last night watching the NBA All-Star Game. What I found most interesting about it was that after many years of the game being sort of a throwaway contest, the league tweaked the rules this year, putting prize money for charity at stake and adding a wrinkle where the fourth quarter is played to a set total, rather than to a time limit.

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