A Dark Interlude #1 is due out in November 2020.
By Zack Quaintance — It’s been a rough year, folks, both within comics and in the real world writ large (usually an unpleasant place to think about). The COVID-19 pandemic shut down new comics distribution, and, more concerning for growing publishers like Vault, it took away the industry’s ability to hand sell comic books and trade collections during the summer con season. It’s not great. We did, however, get some great news this week — the singular Vault Comics series Fearscape is getting a sequel (though, don’t call it that). Whatever it is, it’s called A Dark Interlude.
In fact, the marketing from Vault specifically calls it “not-quite-a-sequel.” It features the same protagonist — Henry Henry, but more about him shortly — and the same creative team as Fearscape, but the nature of Fearscape is such that its incredibly self-aware meta protagonist would never dream of participating in a sequel…even as his ego compels him to do so because, attention. That all gets at what the strength of Fearscape is and why I was so hyped upon hearing about A Dark Interlude.
Fearscape is a fiercely literary comic about a writer who is at once absurdly full of himself yet crippling insecure. He is a personification of literary pretense given an incredible narrative voice that bears a damaged and incompetent soul. It all adds up to a really immersive and unique reading experience that proves both engaging and (sadly) all too relatable to anyone engaged in creative pursuits. Within all that, Fearscape also told a supernatural story of murder and despicable happenings. Take all together, it rolled up into a singular comic.
Put simply, it’s a very good thing that comics is about to get more Fearscape, and — especially — more of that awful Henry Henry pontificating about literature and why he is simultaneously under-appreciated yet above all of it. It’s also a very good thing that regardless of this year’s fiscal challenges, Vault is continuing to roll new titles out.
Finally, enjoy these preview pages from the new title…
Writer: Ryan O’Sullivan
Artist: Andrea Mutti
Colorist: Vladimir Popov
Letterer: Andworld Designs
Designer: Tim Daniels
Publisher: Vault Comics
After the stunning success of Fearscape, comes A Dark Interlude, the story of—No! The only offence to literature greater than the loathsome synopsis is the sequel. I will not stand idle while some poor excuse for an editor mangles and confuses my story, which is intact, perfect, and concluded, with this derivative drivel. Mark my words, this nonsense has nothing to do with my tale. I am not in it. I do not condone it. And you, dear reader, should not buy it. -Henry Henry
Release Date: November 2020
CLICK HERE to read about other things we are/were very hyped about.
Zack Quaintance is a tech reporter by day and freelance writer by night/weekend. He Tweets compulsively about storytelling and comics as Comics Bookcase.