A Handy Guide for DC's Big comiXology Memorial Day Sale
Midnighter Vol. 1 is one of our top picks, available for $5.99.
I am scared to count how much money I’ve spent on DC’s Memorial Day Sale on comiXology, which runs through Monday. Figuring out my budget is a problem for Next Month Me. I also suspect I’m not done yet and I’ll end up making more last minute purchases as the weekend winds down.
To that end, I’d like to enable all of you to spend money along with me. This is America, you know. All told there are 1,000 titles, most of which are marked down to $5.99 while a few others to $4.99. Deciding what to buy can be a bit overwhelming, which is why I’ve compiled this Handy Guide for Last Minute DC comiXology Memorial Day Sale Shopping. Behold!
Below you will find five categories: my top 10 overall picks, a list of significant runs to invest in, some essential classics it’s nice to have, the books that offer the biggest savings, and a quick list of all the $4.99 books.
Hope you find this helpful, and feel free to hit me up on Twitter to let me know what you bought!
Top 10 Overall Picks
This list skews toward books I’ve perceived as underrated or under-discussed recently, with my hope being readers will find new discoveries. I could have put All-Star Superman or Watchmen here, but how helpful would that be, right?
1. The Flintstones Vols. 1 & 2
The Flintstones by Mark Russell and Steve Pugh is one of the sharpest comic book satires ever, commenting on everything from the military-industrial complex to artistic struggles to consumerism. And it’s somehow also about The Flintstones. It takes a leap of faith, but if some or any of what I described sounds appealing, I highly recommend doing it. Total Price: $11.98
2. The Wild Storm Vol. 1
Warren Ellis and Jon Davis-Hunt are doing something ambitious and special with this new take on the old Wildstorm universe and characters, which is fresh and stands on its own yet brimming with plenty of nods to long-time readers. The sister title, Wild Storm: Michael Cray by Bryan Edward Hill and N. Steven Harris, is just as good (but, alas, not on sale). Total Price: $5.99
3. Green Arrow: Rebirth Vols. 1, 2, 3, & 4
I know, I know...this book has already gotten much attention, but I just had to include Benjamin Percy’s Rebirth Green Arrow run here. If you want to know why I like it so much, you can find that here. Total Price: $23.96
4. The Omega Men: The End is Here
Before Tom King was Mister Miracle Tom King, or Batman Tom King, or even The Vision Tom King, he was The Omega Men Tom King. This is the book that first brought one of the best current writers to my attention. If you’ve enjoyed his high-profile recent work, you’ll surely appreciate this too, like watching a rookie have a breakout game in sports. Total Price: $5.99
5. Cassandra Cain as Batgirl Vols. 1, 2, & 3
Just like Wally West is always and forever my Flash, Cassandra Cain is my Batgirl. She was, after all, in the costume when I read my first Batgirl comics. If you liked her in James Tynion’s recently-concluded Detective Comics run, you’ll like this book, too. Total Price: $17.97
6. New Super Man Vols. 1 & 2
This title is ending soon, but Gene Luen Yang’s New Super Man—a Chinese teenager genetically enhanced by his government—has been a highlight of DC’s Rebirth. It’s also one of the few titles from the initiative that takes refreshing risks rather than leaning on foundations of long-established characters. Total Price: $11.98
7. Midnighter Vols. 1 & 2 & Midnighter & Apollo Vol. 1
Midnighter, which starts in the New 52 and extends into Rebirth with the six-issue mini Midnighter & Apollo, is the book that first brought Steve Orlando to my attention. It’s complete with faith in the reader and nuanced character beats that make Orlando’s most recent work—Justice League of America and Crude—so favorably-reviewed on our site. Total Price: $17.97
8. Superman and the Legion of Super Heroes
There is a surprising amount of commentary about nationalism in this book (planetism, technically) that feels searingly relevant today. If you’re dying for the Legion to return to the post-Rebirth DCU, this quick read might just tide you over. Total Price: $5.99
9. Swamp Thing (2016)
The last few months of the New 52/DC You were a mess, as the publisher was aggressively looking to the future. Swamp Thing (2016), however, was a standout, and it also ended up being one of the last stories the character’s creator, Len Wein, ever told. Total Price: $5.99
10. Batman: New Gotham Vols. 1 & 2
I may have nostalgia bias here, seeing as this collects the first run of Detective Comics I read as a kid, but I’ve always thought Greg Rucka’s time on the title was underrated. It’s set in the aftermath of No Man’s Land, and it does a great job of depicting the central tenants of Batman’s world, including Bruce Wayne, Gotham City, and the GCPD. Total Price: $11.98
All Star-Superman is essential reading.
7 Essential Classics
This section is dedicated to books that all comic fans should own. I have many of these in hardcopy—and, as always, I advise you to support your local comic shop/community by purchasing in that format, too—but it doesn’t hurt to have digital copies, you know, in case you need to clean panel shots to post on Twitter.
- All-Star Superman - $4.99
- Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - $5.99
- Crisis on Infinite Earths - $5.99
- Kingdom Come - $4.99
- Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? - $5.99
- Watchmen - $4.99
- Wonder Woman by George Perez Vols. 1 & 2 - $11.98 Total
8 Significant Runs to Invest In
The section above is mostly standalone books, so let’s look now at some of the best runs in this sale, which range in size from three volumes to as many as nine.
- Aquaman (by Geoff Johns) Vols. 1, 2, 3, & 4 - $23.96
- Batman (by Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo) Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 - $53.91
- Deathstroke: Rebirth Vols. 1, 2, & 3 - $17.97
- Green Arrow Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 - $53.91
- JLA Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 - $53.91
- Justice League Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 - $47.92
- New Teen Titans Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & JC - $53.91
- Secret Six Vols. 1, 2, 3, & 4 - $23.96 & New 52 Secret Six Vols. 1 & 2 - $11.98
All the Biggest Savings
These books cost $29.99 or more but have been marked down for this sale to $5.99.
- Aquaman: A Celebration of 75 Years $29.99
- Aquaman: The Atlantis Chronicles $34.99
- Batgirl: A Celebration of 50 Years $29.99
- Batman by Azzarello and Risso $29.99
- Batman: Eternal Vol. 1 $29.99
- Batman: Eternal Vol. 2 $29.99
- Batman: Eternal Vol. 3 $29.99
- Batman: A Celebration of 75 Years $29.99
- Batman: Ego and Other Tails $29.99
- Batman: War Games Book 2 $29.99
- Catwoman: A Celebration of 75 Years $29.99
- DC Universe of John Byrne $29.99
- DC Universe of Mike Mignola $29.99
- DC: New Frontier $39.99
- Green Arrow by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino Deluxe Edition $39.99
- Green Arrow: A Celebration of 75 Years $29.99
- Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years $29.99
- Justice League of America: The Nail $29.99
- Justice Society of America: A Celebration of 75 Years $29.99
- Lex Luthor: A Celebration of 75 Years $29.99
- Lois Lane: A Celebration of 75 Years $29.99
- Midnighter: The Complete Wildstorm Series $29.99
- Shazam! A Celebration of 75 Years $29.99
- Superboy & The Legion of Superheroes Vol. 1 $34.99
- Superman: A Celebration of 75 Years $29.99
- Superman: Doomed $39.99
- Swamp Thing by Scott Snyder $39.99
- Tales of the Batman: Archie Goodwin $29.99
- Tales of the Batman: Carmine Infantino $34.99
- Tales of the Batman: Don Newton $29.99
- Tales of the Batman: Gene Colan Vol. 1 $29.99
- Tales of the Batman: Gene Colan Vol. 2 $29.99
- Tales of the Batman: Gerry Conway Vol. 1 $34.99
- Tales of the Batman: JH Williams III $34.99
- Tales of the Batman: Len Wein $34.99
- Teen Titans: A Celebration of 50 Years $29.99
- The Flash: A Celebration of 75 Years $29.99
- The Joker: A Celebration of 75 Years $29.99
- The Multiversity Deluxe Edition $34.99
- The New 52: Futures End Vol. 1 $29.99
- Wonder Woman by John Byrne Vol. 1 $29.99
- Wonder Woman: A Celebration of 75 Years $29.99
- Zatana by Paul Dini $29.99
All the $4.99 Books
If $5.99 still sounds too rich for your blood, worry not! A handful of books have been marked down even lower, and most of them are classics like All Star Superman, Batman: Hush, Kingdom Come, and Watchmen.
Kingdom Come is on sale for $4.99.
- All Star Superman $4.99
- Aquaman by Geoff Johns Vol. 1 $4.99
- Batman: Hush $4.99
- Batman/The Flash: The Button: $4.99
- Doom Patrol Vol. 1 $4.99
- Flashpoint $4.99
- Green Arrow: The Archer’s Quest $4.99
- JSA by Geoff Johns Book 1 $4.99
- Justice League New 52 Vol. 1 $4.99
- Kingdom Come $4.99
- Planetary Book 1 $4.99
- Teen Titans by Geoff Johns Book One $4.99
- The Legion by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning $4.99
- Watchmen $4.99
- Wonder Woman by Brian Azzareto Vol. 1 $4.99
- Zatana by Paul Dini $4.99
That’s it for our guide. I’m sure a good many of you have already poked around, but Hopefully, our little list gave you some new ideas. I know writing it motivated me to spend more money (not like that’s hard with comics—I have a problem).
Anyway, enjoy your Memorial Day weekend, and we’ll see you next week for some great reviews of this week’s books, plus a list of New Comic Discoveries for May 2018 and maybe some other content if an idea strikes our fancy.
Zack Quaintance is a journalist who also writes fiction and makes comics. Find him on Twitter at @zackquaintance. He lives in Sacramento, California.