REVIEW: Vagrant Queen A Planet Called Doom #3 mixes high action with great characters

Vagrant Queen - A Planet Called Doom #3 is out March 18, 2020.

By Jarred A. Luján — Vagrant Queen: A Planet Called Doom #3 hits the shelves like an Elida right hook this week. Again, a solid hook at the end of issue #2, the revelation that Earth is our time-travelling cult’s ultimate destination, makes it exciting to hop into this week’s issue.

I know I’ve beat on this drum every time I come out with a review for this book, but I really think Jason Smith is doing some fine work with the art for this comic. Issue #2 really flexed on some diversity in panel layouts and that continues here, as he utilizes the space to create striking imagery. Jason got to illustrate a really kinetic action sequence that I thought was super fun to read throughout.

Also, brief nod to colorist Harry Saxon. Saxon’s work has been consistently solid, but there is such an emotional element to the coloring in Vagrant Queen. During our fun action sequence I mentioned above, the colors are bright, they pop, they really help bring out that exciting nature of the panel. During an earlier fight scene, one where Elida had erupted in a rage, Saxon used a lot of reds to really bring out the emotional rage in the moment. I love little details like that, and that’s the sort of stuff that make comics great (and unique as a storytelling medium.)

It was nice to see the subplots beginning to connect in this issue. I think the balance of the three characters’ subplots has been handled well, don’t get me wrong, but there hasn’t been an abundance of connectivity between all three. At one point, it almost felt like they were three separate stories in the same book. I was glad to see the big reunion happen here, as well as those involved come to a collision point. I think the payoff was solid, and it’s exciting now to see where it goes. We also really get to see the characters interact in a fun way once again, something that has surely been missing for original fans of the first season of Vagrant Queen.

The real character that I gain an appreciation for in this issue is Florence, though. Florence’s subplot has been about reconnecting with her girlfriend, Elida, after she’s been kidnapped by the time travelling cult. This is the issue where you really feel the romantic element of what Florence is doing here. While I do think the “universal stream” is kind of a tired device, Florence’s willingness to throw herself into the wildest of situations in a desperate attempt to be reunited with Elida. I kinda hope the universal stream ties into the story later, truthfully it doesn’t seem like Visaggio to throw that out there without it meaning something, but I just find Florence so endearing by the end of this issue because of the actions she takes. Find yourself a Florence, folks!

Overall: Vagrant Queen: A Planet Called Doom #3 gives us some great action sequences, but it also brings some major heat with the character moments. It’s a big payoff issue that continues to propel a solid comic forward. 8.0/10

Vagrant Queen: A Planet Called Doom #3
Magdalene Visaggio
Artist: Jason Smith
Colorist: Harry Saxon
Letterer: Zakk Saam
Publisher: Vault Comics
Price: $3.99

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Jarred A. Luján makes comics, studies existential philosophy, and listens to hip-hop too loudly. For bad jokes and dog pictures, you can follow him on Twitter.