Story happens in The Ludocrats #4 - REVIEW
The Ludocrats #4 is out August 19, 2020.
Keigen Rea — A boring question to ask oneself when experiencing a story is, “Why is this the story that is happening?” It’s boring because it almost always leads to a boring answer, and because I pretty much always ask it out of boredom. Why does this matter? Has The Ludocrats #4 driven me mad? Have I been destroyed by the events of the issue? Maybe.
The Ludocrats #4 looks squarely at the reader and explains why the story is happening, and that’s because it’s happening. It’s meta in the most delightful way, which triggers more meta, in another delightful way. It’s really strong work, and it’s not even the only stuff worth mentioning in the issue.
There’s a three page sequence later in the issue that’s a showcase of all of the creative teams strengths. Each page has three panels, stretched from top to bottom, where Jeff Stokely gets to draw massacred music notes, menacing cube-cops, and the like. Tamra Bonvillain does her own storytelling magic where the reds turn to purples and pinks turn to oranges and then blues and greens. Clayton Cowles shows his prowess by unveiling a new font and caption box that’s perfect for Ludocrats, and needed because X-Position has been murdered, of course. Jim Rossignal and Kieron Gillen fill those boxes with concepts that match the art in their ludicrous beauty.
It took time for me to really warm up to The Ludocrats, but this issue rewarded the patience and effort more than any issue this year (so far). It’s an imaginative, creative, fun, and funny comic.
Overall: The Ludocrats #4 is my favorite issue of a series that will likely end up being one of my favorites this year. Very excited to see what the finale has in store. 9.5/10
The Ludocrats #4
The Ludocrats #4
Writer: Kieron Gillen and Jim Rossignal
Artist: Jeff Stokely
Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Publisher: Image
Price: $3.99
We were going to give away a free pen on the cover of this issue, as it’s the penultimate issue, but we costed it, and then our accountant attacked us, and then we decided to just do the comic instead. Hope that’s okay with you. I’m sorry. We’re disappointed too, but also bleeding from the accountant onslaught.
Release Date: August 19, 2020
Buy It Digitally: The Ludocrats #4
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Keigen Rea has suddenly become very busy with work and school, and would like if you tipped your servers and delivery people well. Find him @prince_organa on Twitter when he has time to be there.