Don't Miss This Epic Oni Press Humble Bundle...
Click here to check out the Oni Press Humble Bundle.
By Zack Quaintance — Every now and again a Humble Bundle deal turns my head and I feel obligated to in turn share it with all of you. This just happened to me earlier today when I was going back through my email and discovered a truly epic Oni Press Humble Bundle running through March 17.
The top donation will run you $25 (with proceeds going help support National Urban League, a historic civil rights and urban advocacy organization with 90 affiliates serving 300 communities…), and it will essentially get you the best of Oni Press, from ‘00s hits that first put the publisher on the map (at least in my circles) to even the more recent comics, some of which we enjoyed last year. All told, this bundle will net you $1,020 if you were to pay for all of it at cover price. You can find our list of favorite highlights below…
Something Old: Scott Pilgrim Color Collection, Vol. 1 - Vol. 2…have you really never read these comics? Well, you’re in luck, because they’re absolutely fantastic, and this bundle serves you up the first two books, giving you a good idea whether you’d like to continue (you would).
Something New: Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters #1…Chris Samnee is putting on an adventure comics clinic with this book, and the bundle will give you the best possible place to start with it, the first issue (obviously).
Something Borrowed: Quincredible Vol. 1…okay, so borrowed is maybe a stretch but hey I arbitrarily committed to this structure. This book started as a Lion Forge thing before that company later merged with Oni, but it stands on its own really well, featuring the work of Rodney Barnes who would soon after have a big hit with Killadelphia.
Something Blue: My Boyfriend is a Bear…The cover is blue-ish, but forget about that. This book is adorable.
And that’s just a quick sample, other comics available through this thing include Queen & Country Definitive Edition Vol. 1–4, The Sixth Gun Deluxe Vol. 1, and more.
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Zack Quaintance is a tech reporter by day and freelance writer by night/weekend. He has written about comics for The Beat and NPR Books, among others. He Tweets compulsively about storytelling and comics as Comics Bookcase.