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Top Comics to Buy for February 19, 2020: The Low Low Woods #3, Archie #711, Daredevil #18, and more!

By Zack Quaintance — Forgive me if I’m a bit hazy this morning (because I’m sure you can tell), but I was up late last night watching the NBA All-Star Game. What I found most interesting about it was that after many years of the game being sort of a throwaway contest, the league tweaked the rules this year, putting prize money for charity at stake and adding a wrinkle where the fourth quarter is played to a set total, rather than to a time limit.

And you know what? Amazingly this worked and actually fixed the All-Star Game! Before the game started, however, these changes were met with a mix of vocal skepticism and derision. But then when it came, everyone loved it. It reminded me a lot of reactions in comics, where more times than not, anything new is bad — even (especially?) when it’s in service of fixing something mediocre or broken. 

But I digress! I’m going to get a coffee, and I’ll leave you now to the Top Comics to Buy for February 19, 2020...enjoy!

Top Comics to Buy for February 19, 2020

The Low, Low Woods #3
Carmen Maria Machado
Artist: Dani
Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain
Letterer: Steve Wands
Publisher: DC Comics - Black Label - Hill House
Price: $3.99
El and Octavia find themselves on two separate paths. One leads to somewhere deep within the Earth, and the other leads to a small green trailer on the edge of town. There, the people of Shudder-to-Think, PA say, lives a witch. For a price, she can change you-and even make you forget that which you no longer wish to remember. But what is the price of remembering that which you have lost?
Why It’s Cool: I have absolutely loved DC’s new line of horror comics, Hill much so, that it’s been hard to pick a favorite (part of the challenge is also how varied these titles are), but I think this is the week where The Low, Low Woods has emerged as the standout. This book is just such a perfect intersection of a fearless artist who not only embraces disquieting imagery but approaches it with a creative enthusiasm rarely seen in this deadline-driven medium. Dani first caught my eye on the creator-owned book, Coffin Bound, but this series is cementing her as one of my favorite comics artists. The coloring here by Tamra Bonvillain is, as usual, also perfect. Writer Carmen Maria Machado, meanwhile, is primarily a prose writer — but even so, Machado has an uncanny grasp of graphic pacing. These creators are all coming together to deliver something truly special. 

Archie #711
Mariko Tamaki & Kevin Panetta
Artist: Laura Braga
Colorist: Matt Herms
Letterer: Jack Morelli
Publisher: Archie Comics
Price: $3.99
Katy Keene's musical debut has got everyone talking-unfortunately, it also means that no one's talking about Archie's newest single. With even his girlfriend, Sabrina, clamoring to be Katy's best friend, has Archie become the invisible man of Riverdale?
Why It’s Cool: A mostly-new creative team came onto the long-running Archie main comic last month, and delivered what felt like one of the freshest stories with this well-travelled bunch in ages (which is saying a lot because in some comics they have become vampires and werewolves), and now this week that storyline continues. Writers Tamaki and Panetta are both powerful storytellers with great past coming-of-age teen dramedies on their resumes, while Laura Braga is one of my favorite artists, especially when it comes to stories that call for romance and a bit of sex appeal. Anyway, this Archie run through two issues has quickly established itself as a must-read comic if you’re into Archie even a little bit.

Daredevil #18
Chip Zdarsky
Artist: Jorge Fornes
Colorist: Nolan Woodard
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Price: $3.99
The war in Hell's Kitchen builds as Owl takes his stab at Wilson Fisk, formerly the Kingpin of Crime - now Mayor of New York!
Matt must come to terms with what Daredevil truly means.
And he better do it soon, as a new and deadly foe makes a decisive return...
Why It’s Cool: Speaking of must-read comics, artist Jorge Fornes is once-again drawing Daredevil this week, bringing some of the best superhero noir artwork in the industry to Marvel’s messiest character. It’s been a great combination in the past, leading to some of this run’s most memorable visual moments, and our committee (of one) is excited to see Fornes getting more time with the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. 

Skulldigger and Skeleton Boy #3
Jeff Lemire
Artist: Tonci Zonjic
Letterer: Steve Wands
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Price: $3.99
After murderous lunatic Grimjim crashes the rally of mayoral hopeful Tex Reed in a sufficiently violent manner, the past comes to light, revealing Grimjim's long-standing vendetta against Tex and Skulldigger's very personal reasons for wanting Grimjim dead.
Why It’s Cool: Speaking again of must-buy comics, every book that Tonci Zonjic illustrates is a must-buy around these parts, and that goes for every issue of Skulldigger and Skeleton Boy so far. Zonjic just has such a keen visual eye, one that foregoes any whiff of photorealism to deliver singular and striking comics imagery on every last page. Not to give anything away here, but writer Jeff Lemire’s script for this issue is also incredible, combining a built-in sense of dread around the Batman source material it’s homaging with one hell of a twist ending. Even if you’ve never read any of the other Black Hammer comics (this book is part of the Black Hammer universe), there’s just so much to appreciate here on a craft level, making this comic another must-buy.

Superman Smashes the Klan #3
Gene Luen Yang
Artist: Gurihiru
Letterer: Janice Chang
Publisher: DC Comics
Price: $7.99
The Daily Planet is under attack! When the Klan invades the newspaper's office, they kidnap Lois Lane, Perry White, and Inspector Henderson. The Klan's attacks have separated our heroes, forcing Roberta and Jimmy Olsen to step up and help save the Daily Planet staff.  
But the Klan has one more surprise to reveal. In order to save his friends and stop the Klan once and for all, Superman must face his own identity to unleash his full potential and ultimately accept who he really is. Inspired by the 1940s Superman radio serial "Clan of the Fiery Cross," New York Times bestselling author Gene Luen Yang (American Born Chinese, Boxers and Saints, The Terrifics, New Super-Man) concludes his personal retelling of the adventures of the Lee family as they team up with Superman to smash the Klan.
Why It’s Cool: I’ve made no secret of the fact that I think Superman Smashes the Klan is one of the best comics that DC has published in recent memory, and I’m happy to report that in this third and final installment, it absolutely sticks the landing. What’s been so great about this book is how well it blends real history based on the Superman radio seriel with lessons that have (unfortunately) become relevant again today. This comic is, in effect, a walk through our favorite Metropolis characters, a look at the treatment of the immigrant in America (past and present), and a history lesson about the time fictional Superman made a major and tangible difference in the real world. It’s an undeniably smart comic that stands apart from your typical capes and tights offerings.

New #1s and One-Shots

  • 2020 Machine Man #1

  • Archie Meets the B-52s #1

  • BANG! #1

  • Bloodshot #0

  • Canopus #1

  • DCeased Unkillables #1

  • Death to the Army of Darkness #1

  • Doctor Tomorrow #1

  • Godkillers #1

  • Hellboy and the BPRD: Return of Effie Kolb #1

  • Marvels Voices #1

  • On the Stump #1 (Full Review)

  • Plunge #1

  • Savage Bastards #1

  • Wolverine #1

Others Receiving Votes

  • Bitter Root #6

  • Family Tree #4

  • Guardians of the Galaxy #2

  • Heist, Or How to Steal a Planet #4

  • Joker: Killer Smile #3

  • Legion of Super-Heroes #4

  • Marauders #8

  • Metal Men #5

  • Middlewest #15

  • New Mutants #7

  • Old Guard: Force Multiplied #3

  • Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #8

  • Undiscovered Country #4

  • Wonder Twins #12

  • Wonder Woman: Dead Earth #2

Trades and OGNs of Interest

  • Becoming Horses GN

  • Bug Boys HC

  • Dementia 21 Vol. 2 GN

  • Fax From Sarajevo TP New Edition

  • Going to the Chapel Vol. 1 TP

  • Golden Age Book 1 HC

  • Gwenpool Strikes Back TP

  • Marvel Masterworks Uncanny X-Men Vol. 12 HC

  • Meanwhile 10th Anniversary Edition HC

  • Mueller Report Illustrated TP

  • No Romance In Hell GN

  • Powers In Action Vol. 1 Hero Squadron TP

  • Steve Canyon Vol. 10 1965 - 1966 HC

See our past top comics to buy here, and check out our reviews archive here.

Zack Quaintance is a tech reporter by day and freelance writer by night/weekend. He Tweets compulsively about storytelling and comics as Comics Bookcase.