Thirsty Thursdays January 2020: ANOTHER Thirsty Comics Year

By Allison Senecal — Welcome back to Thirsty Thursdays!  It’s been quite the hiatus, but we all know you can’t talk about Elektra-in-a-Blindfold (her saint name) unless you’re well-rested. I won’t be making up any lost ground, so sorry if you missed all the horny $%#@ from December. It will just have to live on in our hearts.

Daredevil #16:
Chip Zdarsky
Artist: Jorge Fornes 
Colorist: Nolan Woodard
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles

The couple that slays (OK, that’s insensitive since Matt is trying to put that behind him) together, plays together, eh? Elektra’s re-training of Matt seems to be going swimmingly. 

Hawkeye: Freefall #1 
Matthew Rosenberg
Artist: Otto Schmidt
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino

It’s been over six months since our last meaningful shirtless Clint Barton content. SIX MONTHS, people! This is a crime…as is Schmidt’s Clint. 

Black Cat #8
Jed MacKay
Artist: Dike Ruan & Annie Wu
Colorist: Brian Reber
Letterer: Ferran Delgado

Dike Ruan is a great get for guest art and phew, sue me, I maybe maaaaaaaaaaaybe ship Felicia with Danny Rand’s sole brain cell now because of this repartee. 

New Mutants #5
Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Rod Reis
Letterer: VC’s Travis Lanham

Well, ‘Yana, for the record…I choose $#%@.

Lucifer #16
Dan Watters
Artist: Max Fiumara
Colorist: Dan McCaig
Letterer: Steve Wands

My girl Mazikeen is back in her usual intimidatingly sexy way. And with a burn bigger than all the fires of Hell. 

Excalibur #6
Tini Howard
Artist: Marcus To
Colorist: Erick Arciniega
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit

IT’S BACK. KINDA. The original Captain Britain costume, this time with a twist. I missed it, and it’s sexy. Sorry, artists, I know y’all don’t want to draw that big ol’ lion in every panel but it is truly smokin’. 

Guardians of the Galaxy #1
Al Ewing
Artist: Juann Cabal
Colorist: Federico Blee
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit

I wish I looked this hot when I’m mid-depressive episode. Just another thing Rich Rider is annoyingly good at. 

John Constantine: Hellblazer #3
Si Spurrier
Artist: Aaron Campbell
Colorist: Jordie Bellaire

And? Wouldn’t you read a Hellblazer series that’s just a litany of every single one of John’s numerous sexual exploits? 

Once & Future #6
Kieron Gillen
Artist: Dan Mora
Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain

If some companies *cough* won’t provide the spicy redhead content, I know I can at least always count on Once & Future to. 

Monstress #25
Marjorie Liu
Artist: Sana Takeda

There. Are. Always. More. Ladies. Every new Monstress arc we catch HOW many new fictional girlfriends? I say it every time, but it’s true.

Check out past instances of severely thirsty comics art here.

Allison buys books professionally and comics unprofessionally. You can find her chaotic neutral Twitter feed at @maliciousglee.