Milestone's Hardware #1 - CLASSIC COMIC OF THE WEEK

By d. emerson eddy — Milestone Media was an important step in the right direction for comics as a whole, with a group of Black creators coming together to carve out a space for their voices and their stories, a space to promote diversity across the medium, utilizing a partnership with a large publisher like DC Comics. I was a bit late to the party, partially because one of the comic shops I regularly frequented then didn't carry any of the line, which I think is fairly telling of a problem in the industry. It wasn't until about a year into the Milestone publishing venture that I read an issue during the crossover with the Superman titles, “Worlds Collide”. I loved it, and I searched out more. Hardware and Icon were my early favorites, but Xombi, Wise Son, and Shadow Cabinet were probably my all time faves. I wanted to spotlight here, though, the book that started it all: Hardware #1, from Dwayne McDuffie, Denys Cowan, Jimmy Palmiotti, Noelle Giddings, and Janice Chiang.

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