GET HYPED: Wonder Woman #750 looks awesome and important
Wonder Woman #750 is out 1/22/2020.
By Zack Quaintance — Within DC Comics’ current deluge of giant-sized anniversary celebration issues, I am far more hyped for Wonder Woman #750 (due out this coming Wednesday) than any of the others, even The Flash, which I have traditionally read with much more zeal than Wonder Woman. The main reason being that there’s a bigger sense of gravitas with this book than the others, and there’s layers as to why within that.
Part of it is the history of the character, to be sure. The creation of Wonder Woman as well as the reception in society writ large is just utterly fascinating to me, to the point I’ve probably read more about her backstory than any other superhero. So I’m hoping this 100-page mega-comic goes into that.
Second, if rumors are to be believed (and aren’t they always in comics? because what’s the harm in being wrong…), this comic could have big implications for the intriguing and mysterious future of the superhero publishing line set in the DC Universe. Rumor has it that Scott Snyder and Bryan Hitch’s story in the anthology will be instrumental to doing this. In fact, DC Comics Co-Publisher Dan DiDio explicitly said that one of the first places the new timeline (which establishes Wonder Woman as chronologically the first DC superhero) will show up will be in that piece. So that’s exciting.
Also very exciting is that this anthology will feature a story written by Steve Orlando, who will be taking over the monthly Wonder Woman comic starting next month. As such, Orlando’s story, which will see him team-up with artist Jesus Moreno, will be the lead in the book, and that’s great news, given that Orlando also wrote one my favorite single issue of Wonder Woman in recent memory, Wonder Woman #51. People say this about creatives who work on corporate superhero comics all the time, but that won’t stop me — Steve just gets Wonder Woman, especially her core characteristic, empathy. Combine that with his encyclopedic knowledge of the DC Universe and its continuity, and this could be quite the run.
In addition, the rest of the talent putting stories out for this book is just absurd. The roster here is as good, if not better, than the teams assembled for Action Comics #1000 in 2018 and Dectective Comics #1000 in 2019. One highlight is that Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott will reunite for another story after a great run with the character at the start of 2016’s Rebirth. I’m also pretty hyped for new Wonder Woman work from Mariko Tamaki, Jose Luis Garcia Lopez (the legend!), Laura Braga, Gail Simone, Coleen Doran, Phil Hester, Vita Ayala, and more.
Wonder Woman #750 hits this coming Wednesday, Jan. 22, and I will spend this long three-day weekend hype like all get out in the meantime.
CLICK HERE to read about other things we are/were very hyped about.
Zack Quaintance is a tech reporter by day and freelance writer by night/weekend. He Tweets compulsively about storytelling and comics as Comics Bookcase.