REVIEW: The Plot #5 is a top-tier horror comic
The Plot #5 is out July 1, 2020.
By Gabe Gonzalez — As a big fan of gothic horror and comics, I am always ecstatic when something is released that can satisfy both of those loves at the same time. When The Plot was announced by Vault Comics, I was excited…one of the best new publishers was putting out a book that seemed aimed at my exact tastes without me even asking. Boy, was I correct. Every issue of The Plot is better than the last, crafting a sinister story that keeps an everlasting hold on readers throughout each and every panel. The Plot is a story with such fantastic writing and art that it simply can’t be beat by anything else horror-centric on the shelves, and The Plot #5 continues the brilliance of the book.
This issue explores the dark history of the Chase family, something which has only been hinted at in the past. It’s exciting to finally see more of the history with this Vitus Blaine-centric issue filled with brutalities of the past that cannot go ignored. The story moves at a hectic speed and provides snapshots of the things that Vitus has done with almost every page, giving the reader — both the character Chase and the audience of the comic — a sense of his true nature. A man whose mentality is built on the foundations of dark forces is shown through his actions.
And, while the writing in this issue is really well-done from Tim Daniel and Michael Moreci, the true powerhouse within the pages is the amazing artistry from Joshua Hixson. Every panel is given a breath of life as Hixson provides stunning imagery pumped full of phenomenal colors from the hand of Kurt Michael Russel, who gives the story a very Francesco Francavilla-esque feel in the artwork. It could be a melting face, murky waters, or a stunning monster design, and this artistic duo would be able to provide the exact portrayal needed to give this terrifying tale of familial horrors.
Also, between this book and Stephen King’s many stories, I think people just need to stop traveling to Maine.
Overall: This remains a horror story that is easy for the audience to get into, understand, and enjoy. This book is one of the best examples on how to do horror comics right. This particular issue is a vehicle for more subtle and lurking horror that creates an eerie environment bursting at the seams with potential. The team has provided a story that will be sat amongst the greats of the horror genre. 9/10
The Plot #5 - REVIEW
The Plot #5
Writer: Michael Moreci and Tim Daniel
Artist: Joshua Hixson
Colorist: Kurt Michael Russel
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Publisher: Vault Comics
Price: $3.99
Discovering a journal in the attic, Chase drowns in the dark waters of his family’s history.
Release Date: July 1st, 2020
Buy It Digitally: The Plot #5 via comiXology
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Gabe Gonzalez